The Russian Church is strong with communities

There was a day when our Sergiev Posad Old Believer Edinoverie community met off schedule. An important guest, Deacon Konstantin Akimov, came to us from as far away as the capital. Fr. Konstantin was for a long time the only deacon in the Russian Universe. But now three deacons have been ordained in the St. Petersburg community and in one distant foreign community.

In the temporary summer prayer room we prayed the nocturn with the canon to St. Maximos the Greek. Our main forces, fathers Daniel and Dimitry were away on business, the service with a small staff turned out to be beautiful and gracious, thank God!

After the service, we gathered around the table for a meal and put the samovar on. Father Konstantin and Matushka Anastasia have learned some skills in our community of many children that will be useful to them!

At first glance, what is important here that deserves external attention? The important thing is that a community has been formed, a unit of our Church. Young people are united by faith in God, they pray together regularly, help each other, family to family, they give birth to children, some of them already have five, others have three, the youngest family still has two babies, they bring them up in Orthodoxy. The Orthodox Church is strong with such families and communities, and the State of Russia is also strong with such families.

Let's return to our deacon. Fr. Konstantin is no longer the only deacon in Edinoverie, but he has acquired a new quality: he is the only deacon whose visit to the ordinary congregation was covered by a TASS photo correspondent (retired).

Vladimir Ivanovich Sayapin, member of the Union of Journalists of the USSR and Russia

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